Erbium Laser Resurfacing Recovery Details

Over the next few days after your treatment, your skin will undergo an intense peel. This is simply a waiting process.

Over the next few days after your treatment, your skin will undergo an intense peel. This is simply a waiting process. You must not pick at the peeling skin. Cream should be applied continuously, and once the face is comfortable to touch, you should cleanse your skin frequently. If there is any discomfort, you may take Advil or Tylenol.

You may return to all of your regular activities immediately. However, the peeling is intense, and most people would not be comfortable with others seeing them during this peeling process which lasts anywhere from 2-4 days on average. Remember, this intense peel is what you want. It is very important to wear sunscreen after treatment as the new skin will be very sensitive to the sun.

There is a small risk of skin pigment changes, cold sore eruptions and scarring after erbium laser treatments.

Do You Have Any Questions or Concerns About Erbium Laser Resurfacing?

If so, contact Dr. Weber's Cosmetic Clinic today by calling 705.828.3223 or by filling in our secure online appointment request form for a complimentary consultation with our experienced and knowledgeable staff.

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